The number one fitness question I’ve gotten over the years is, “How do I get a six pack, or just a flat stomach?” This is a loaded question with many answers and no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there is one thing that is absolutely true about losing fat and showing abs. It happens with a healthy diet. Your healthy diet starts in your kitchen, not at Mcdonald's.
Your body needs fat to survive. Your body also stores fat naturally, in certain places. Your stomach and butt are the 2 biggest fat stores. There are a lot of factors that play into how and where you store fat as well. Hormones play a huge role in this.
Depending if you are male or female will also be a determining factor. Ladies, don’t get mad if your guy is leaner than you or can shed more fat faster. You were designed to store more fat than your male counterpart, and you produce more estrogen, which is why you have more fat in different places.
Most of my clients want to know what exercises they need to do to get “abs”. While working out is going to help you achieve that 6 pack if you aren’t eating right, it’s never going to happen. Cooking your own food, eating the right amount of carbs, and meal timing is the best way to shed belly fat and achieve a flatter stomach and patience is key. You aren’t going to get abs overnight, over days, or even weeks. It can take months and years of consistency and discipline. A quick diet won’t fix it and neither will hours on the treadmill. Resistance training with heavy weights and doing exercises where you are using and stabilizing your core are also essential for building abdominal muscles. Mix it up and try a new routine!
Take a look at your nutrition. Have a hard look at your eating and sleeping habits. Maybe you need to change a few things. More protein, smaller portions, more sleep, and better meal timing. But change can be hard. Sticking with it can be hard too. If you need help with your nutrition book a Free Discovery call!