Do you have a “night snacking” habit? Many people do and it’s one of the more difficult habits to break if you don’t know why you are doing it. Drum roll please…..*most people are hungry and eat at night because they are not eating enough food, in general, during the day. More specifically though, you could be experiencing too many blood sugar spikes due to excess carbohydrates and not enough protein and healthy fats. You stay busy during daytime hours, maybe grab a quick snack here or there, and seem to be distracted enough to ignore your hunger. Then, evening hits, things slow down and your body is telling you you need to eat. Instead of going to bed and getting a good night's sleep, you get up and binge eat. Probably on carbs. Does this sound familiar?
Why You Should Stop
When you eat at night you start messing with your body's natural rhythm. Your brain and nervous system need you to sleep and relax so it can process everything that happened during the day. Naturally, digestion slows down and your organs slow down as well. This means you are not burning what you would during the day when you are expending energy.
When you eat at night your pancreas has to release more insulin, causing a blood sugar spike before bed. This cycle causes your brain to think something is wrong, then tells your body to hold on to any extra calories or energy because you didn’t eat all day. So then, your body is working to digest your food and move it to the proper channels, when it really wants to be sleeping. Now, your brain can’t restore and remove damaged cells, and you are left feeling like crap the next day.
How To Break Your Night-Snacking Habit for good
Fueling your body with the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals during the day is essential for a good night’s sleep and restoring energy the next day. Your body needs at least 12 hours to digest the food you ate the previous 12 hours. So, if you would like to start taking better care of your body and break your nightly snacking habit, start eating at least 2 whole-food meals during the day.
I never discourage clients from having a longer fasting window, say 16 hours unless it is causing unwanted side effects. This usually only happens if your diet is poor or you have some metabolic dysfunction going on. If you eat whole food, protein, healthy fats, and real food fiber during the day, I guarantee you will have a better night’s sleep and you will break your habit of eating at night.
I’ve worked with many clients to break this habit and I have the tools, tips, and knowledge to help you too.
