It has been a long-standing myth that eating frequent meals is good for you. Eat 6 small meals a day, every 3 hours or so, “supposed experts” say. Unless you are an athlete and you need to eat frequently for performance, the average person does not need to eat this frequently. It is more important to eat your food at mealtimes and make sure your mealtimes are optimal for your lifestyle and goals. You will get results using this simple habit!
When people hear the word fasting, they think of going long periods of time, specifically days, without eating. But fasting isn’t just for days on end. A few generations ago, before Americans started working 14 hours a day and sleeping 5-6 hours per night, it was normal to sleep 8-10 hours per night and work 8 hours a day/5 days per week. This more balanced schedule paves the way for more regular eating patterns and regular sleep habits.
Your body needs a minimum of 12 hours to digest the food you ate the previous 12 hours. Anything more than 12 is icing on the cake. The unfortunate thing is that most Americans eat 14 hours a day and don’t sleep much.
How nice would it be to not think about what you are going to eat every 2-3 hours? It may take some discipline at first, but our bodies adjust quickly. I always recommend a minimum of a 12-hour fast and a 12-hour eating window for someone who is not used to going more than 8 hours without food.
If you finish dinner at 7 pm you don’t eat again until at least 7 am. This “fasting” window is not to be broken with any calories, and this includes cream in your coffee. When you “break” your fast, you should break it with intention. Have a meal or something substantial to hold you over until your next meal.
You don’t have to overcomplicate this to be successful. If you have more questions or need help implementing a healthy nutrition plan book a Free Discovery Call!