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    Food is Your Fuel


    Updated: Jul 27, 2023


    What is your mindset toward food and eating? Do you eat when you aren’t hungry? Do you snack because you are bored? Do you only eat food that tastes salty or sweet or is fixed a certain way? Figuring out why you eat what you eat and what motivates you to do so is the first step in changing your mindset about food. You can change your mindset in any area of your life. Even in the way you eat.


    So many of us eat out of emotion or pleasure, not out of necessity or hunger. There is nothing wrong with finding pleasure in food, in fact, it can be a good thing! But we have to change the way we look at food. Food is your fuel! You should eat food because it is nutritious and serves an end purpose. You should eat a variety of foods because your body needs different vitamins and nutrients. If you are constantly eating food that serves no purpose or lacks nutritional value, i.e., junk food, then your body is going to function like it’s being fed junk food.


    If you had a luxury sports car would you fill it with low-grade gasoline? Absolutely not! You would fill it with premium gasoline. If you didn’t, your car would not run the way it is supposed to. It is the same with our bodies. If you are filling your body up with sugar and processed foods, it won’t run the way it should. You won’t feel good and eventually, it may put you in a diseased state.


    You can change the way you look at food. You can decide at the grocery to pick up a bag of Brussels sprouts or a box of pasta. You can say, these marshmallows probably aren’t going to fuel my body as well as an apple. You control what you put in your body. Feel empowered and take back control of your heatlh!

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